DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (2025)

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (1)Darth RaLLe3,982,888

    Posted on 08 August 24 at 21:35

    While playing, type any of these codes and have a blast.

    IDDQD -- Invulnerability
    IDBEHOLDI -- Temporary invisibility
    IDBEHOLDR -- Temporary radiation suit
    IDBEHOLDS -- Temporary berserk
    IDBEHOLDA -- Temporary automap
    IDBEHOLDV -- Temporary invulnerability
    IDBEHOLDL -- Temporary light
    IDKFA -- Full health, ammo, weapons, armor and keys
    IDFA -- Full health, ammo, weapons, and armor
    IDDT -- Change map detail
    IDCHOPPERS -- Gain chainsaw
    IDCLEVxx -- Warp to level 'xx' where xx is 01 to 19
    IDMYPOS -- Displays your position and bearing
    IDMUSxx -- Music select. 'xx' is the level who's song you want.
    IDSPISPOPD -- Walk through walls!
    IDCLIP -- Walk through walls

    Secret Level
    To teleport directly to the secret level, type "idclev19" while playing.

    .: SoUNdS ConTroL UR MinD :.

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (2)Messilover4492,271,663

    Posted on 08 August 24 at 21:56

    much better guide than the solutions. You should put it as a solution

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (3)OBlockMafia385,520

    Posted on 08 August 24 at 22:07


  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (4)Smoka Tech1,581,097

    Posted on 08 August 24 at 23:06

    Darth RaLLe said:

    While playing, type any of these codes and have a blast.

    IDDQD -- Invulnerability
    IDBEHOLDI -- Temporary invisibility
    IDBEHOLDR -- Temporary radiation suit
    IDBEHOLDS -- Temporary berserk
    IDBEHOLDA -- Temporary automap
    IDBEHOLDV -- Temporary invulnerability
    IDBEHOLDL -- Temporary light
    IDKFA -- Full health, ammo, weapons, armor and keys
    IDFA -- Full health, ammo, weapons, and armor
    IDDT -- Change map detail
    IDCHOPPERS -- Gain chainsaw
    IDCLEVxx -- Warp to level 'xx' where xx is 01 to 19
    IDMYPOS -- Displays your position and bearing
    IDMUSxx -- Music select. 'xx' is the level who's song you want.
    IDSPISPOPD -- Walk through walls!
    IDCLIP -- Walk through walls

    Secret Level
    To teleport directly to the secret level, type "idclev19" while playing.

    DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (5)

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (6)A DEAD B0DY MAN2,487,774

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (7)A DEAD B0DY MAN2,487,774

    Posted on 08 August 24 at 23:42

    What an epic release!

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (8)bgdvmorales195,882

    Posted on 09 August 24 at 13:33, Edited on 09 August 24 at 13:34 by bgdvmorales

    On the PC version (Xbox app), I press ' (key over tab) to show console commands, type the cheat, but it returns the "Unknown command:" message. What am I doing wrong?

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (9)CHASE1494598,141

    Posted on 09 August 24 at 15:22

    bgdvmorales said:

    On the PC version (Xbox app), I press ' (key over tab) to show console commands, type the cheat, but it returns the "Unknown command:" message. What am I doing wrong?

    You don't need to type anything before the codes on the PC version. Just load up a level and start typing the codes while the game is running.

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (10)BigDirtyFart34,709

    Posted on 09 August 24 at 15:59

    I knew I bought an extra USB keyboard for a reason hehehe

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (11)Th3 FeeN483,943

    Posted on 09 August 24 at 20:46, Edited on 09 August 24 at 20:48 by Th3 FeeN

    I keep getting "Unknown command" when trying to enter any of the above? But "exitlevel" works fine

    Figured it out, thanks to Chase1494 (Just enter them in game, dont use `

  • Posted on 09 August 24 at 21:46

    You can also type god for infinite health, or noclip to move through walls.

    Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (13)SYSSMouse0141,202

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 00:36

    also cheat codes does NOT disable achievements.

    Also want to add IDSPISPOPD, in the original release, is for doom 1 and idclip is for doom 2.

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (14)xDevilsMagiic521,971

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 03:45

    guessing these don't work on the xbox one stack (classic & 1993)?

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (15)dwdta1,492,278

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 08:05

    I load any level in menu then in game I put a cheat code press enter keep give me unknown commands what I do?

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (16)Martel183,217,460

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 12:27

    How did you find these out? Just randomly typed them in?

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (17)HunterCH1,487,206

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 13:57

    Martel18 said:

    How did you find these out? Just randomly typed them in?

    Those codes exist since the original release of the first game back in 1993.

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (18)iycli141,050

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 16:57

    Can't seem to enter codes with keyboard attached to xbox s. Tried with and without command key (~). Anyone know how to get this to work?

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (19)RancidVessel14362,334

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 18:40

    dwdta said:

    I load any level in menu then in game I put a cheat code press enter keep give me unknown commands what I do?

    Don't use console, just type codes after entering the game

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (20)GuruAskew257,148

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 19:08

    If you have the XBO chatpad you can also enter the codes that way, there is also some limited WASD functionality on the chatpad. Basically the game detects a single keystroke and doesn’t recognize if you’re holding a key down (like digital vs analog) so you have to spam the button to move in whatever direction.

    And entering the cheats is kinda finicky. It works, I just played a level with IDDQD, IDKFA and IDDT enabled from entering on the chatpad but I had to enter them a few times each to get the game to recognize them.

  • DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (21)l Archvile l263,296

    Posted on 10 August 24 at 19:54

    GuruAskew said:

    If you have the XBO chatpad you can also enter the codes that way, there is also some limited WASD functionality on the chatpad. Basically the game detects a single keystroke and doesn’t recognize if you’re holding a key down (like digital vs analog) so you have to spam the button to move in whatever direction.

    And entering the cheats is kinda finicky. It works, I just played a level with IDDQD, IDKFA and IDDT enabled from entering on the chatpad but I had to enter them a few times each to get the game to recognize them.

    Yup it's pretty awesome. Love how you can also use the keyboard numbers to select the weapons like PC.


DOOM + DOOM II - Cheat Codes (2025)
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